Saturday, January 27, 2018

Week 2 Schedule

Week 22/1/2018
at Anokaat St. Paulat Minneapolis
6:30XXXW.SP vs SV (YM)Ply/Tka vs MG (YM)
7:30XXXNB vs Blaine
Chakonia vs Nok (YM)
8:30XXXW.SP vs N.SPPly/Tka vs Chakonia
9:30XXXSt. Paul vs MG Nok vs EP/Blm

Note: The Anoka Stake Center is unavailable due to scout meetings, so we're only using 2 buildings this week.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Weekly Basketball Referee assignments

Missing an assignment  counts as a forfeit to the men's team.
Three forfeits for a team and they are out of the  tournament.

Young Men   

  • The YM coaches are responsible for the refereeing,  
  • Either a coach, parent, volunteer can ref or the boys can self officiate. 
  • We will provide referees will be provided for the tournament.


  • Each team shall provide a referee and a scorekeeper for the games they are to officiate.
  • The teams playing in the earliest/first men's game (e.g. 8 PM) officiate the middle/second men's game (e.g.  9 PM)
  • The teams playing in the middle/second men's game (e.g. 9 PM) officiate the earliest/first men's game (e.g.  8 PM) and the last/third  (e.g 10 PM)
  • The teams playing in the last/third men's game (e.g. 10 PM) have no officiating responsibilities.   We ask they help close the building by locking doors, turning off lights and picking up the chairs from the bench and the stage.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Week 1 Schedule

The following teams have players looking to merge with another ward or team:

  • The Young Single Adult (YSA) Men.
  • Elm Creek YM  

  Let me know if you are interested and we will begin making arrangements. 

Week 11/25/2018
at Anokaat St. Paulat Minneapolis
7:30AA vs MG (YM)SC vs SV (YM)Nok vs Plym (YM)
8:30AA vs SCNB vs W.SPNok vs Ply/Tka
9:30Blaine vs N.SPEP/Blm vs Chaconia
YM BYEChaconia, W.SP

AA = Anoka/Andover
Chaconia = Chaska/Waconia
EP/BLM = Eden Prairie/Bloomington
MG = Maple Grove
NB = New Brighton
Nok = Nokomis
N.SP = North St Paul
Ply/Tka = Plymouth/Minnetonka
SC = Shingle Creek
SV = Shoreview
W.SP = West St Paul

Monday, January 15, 2018

   Hi aLL  Gary  Campion here.  We have to appologize  if  you hadn't  heard i had to ask to be released,  not for lack of desire but doctors  orders, knee issues,  Andrew Thomas of the Maple Grove Ward  has been called to take my place. 
  I thought I made the change on the Blog  contact list but I must have forgot to click Update. 
  It has been corrected. 
    The games usually start the second Thursday of January, this year will start on the third as we get organized. 
   Have a great season

Anoka stake AD   Andrew Thomas  763-245-7438
Minneapolis stake AD  Aaron Brady  952-261-2447
St. Paul stake AD  Billy Hyan     612-290-7575