Saturday, September 28, 2013

Building Locations and address's

Building address's 


Minneapolis Stake Center
2801 Douglas Drive
Crystal, Mn

Anoka Stake Center
4700 Edinbrook Terrace,
Brooklyn Park, Mn

St. Paul Stake Center
100 Silver Lake Road, NW
New Brighton, Mn, 55112

Week 3 schedule Oct. 3, 2013

Here is the schedule for Week 3, October 3, 2013

                                               at  Minneapolis
                                court 1                                    court 2
7:00     MG(ym)/EC(ym)                        Cedar Lake/Lake Nok. (men)
8:45     MG(ym)/Cedar Lake(men)        EC(ym)/Lake Nok. (men)
8:30     MG/SV                                         Med.Lk./SC
9:15     MG/Med. Lk.                               SV/SC

                                               at  St. Paul
                             court 1                                    court 2
7:00     NSP(ym)/W.LK.(ym)                 Bln1/Bln2 (men)
8:45     NSP(ym)/Bln1 (men)                Wlk(ym)/Bln2 (men)
8:30     NSP/Anoka                                 
9:15     EC/Anoka
10:00   NSP/EC

Hugh McCutcheon Gophers volleyball coach

Hugh McCutcheon is the coach of the university of MinnesotaGophers  women's volleyball team, 12-1 ranked 9th in the nation, is from Christchurch New Zealand, where I served my mission! and is married to Elizabeth Bachman, who is from Minnesota, both played for BYU I do not believe either are members.

   Hugh has a fascinating story as he coached both the women and Men's volleyball teams to Olympic metals.His in  laws, as you may recall, were tragically attacked in Beijing, you can google that for details if you'd like.
   Just thought you might like to know.

Waiting for results from St. paul

Hi all,
    I need to know the results from last Thursday at the St. Paul stake center, any teams not show up. Please email me at Thanks I will have next week's schedule out by tonight (Saturday) have a good one.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

REALLY inside Wed. Night Volleyball news

Those who play Wed. night might remember  my Niece, Shelly,  coming several times with her friend Mariya Sampson,  Well they both play for Champlin Park,  which has never had a very good team, Last night they beat Blaine and are now 11-2 and ranked 10th in for the class AAA. Just thought you might want to know.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Who is this Vikings killer Jordan Cameron?

This is not official:
     Who is this Jordan Cameron, Tight end for the Browns who dagger-ed  the Vikings by catching 3  touchdowns  including the one with 51  seconds left?
    I was intrigued when the announcers said he attended BYU as a basketball player.
Upon further review,  he indeed was raised LDS.  and was a  red shirt freshman basketball player for BYU  than he transferred to USC  to play football and be with his sister  Brynn..  He was drafted 102nd overall by the Browns in 2011.
His Sister Brynn has a  very colorful history and  has  been going with  LA  Clippers star   Blake Griffin,   She played Basketball for USC.
       Inquiring minds want to know.
If you hear any good  LDS  sports stories especially  faith promoting,  let me know and We  may share it here.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week Two schedule correction

I  have had it come to my attention that I scheduled both sets of games for the Anoka Stake Center, that has been corrected. (thanks for the correction) Here is the correct  games and locations.  please spread the word.

Here is the schedule for week 2, 19 Sept. 2013

                               At  Anoka
                      court 1                       court 2
7:00   MG/Wlk (ym)           Aka/MG (MEN)
7:45   MG(ym)/Aka             MG(men)/Wlk(ym)
8:30   Lnok/Bln1                 SC/Bln2
9:15   LkNok/Bln2              SC/Bln1

                               At  St. Paul
                      court 1                       court 2
7:00     NSP/EC(ym)           NSP/Cedar Lake (men)
7:45     EC(ym)/NSP           NSP(ym)/Cedar Lake
8:30     EC/Med Lk              SV/NB
9:15     Med Lk/SV              EC/NB

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week One results

Partly because of the St. Paul stake conference last week, word did not get out very well so at the last second we canceled the NSP/MG  young men's team,   what happened  was  Weaver Lake and Elm Creek young men's teams turned up and combined to play practice games with  MG  young men.  The games were for practice  but they had a riot.

For the men
MG  beat  Shingle Creek
Elm Creek Beat  NSP  in 3  games
Elm Creek beat MG
Shingle  Creek beat NSP

Shoreview  beat  Blaine 1
Shoreview beat Blaine 2
Not sure how Med. Lake did.

SAMS LDS men and young men's volleyball week 2 schedule 19 Sept 2013

Hi all,
      Well  we are off and running. Last week was really fun.
  At this point there are  4 young men's teams, and 12  Men's  teams.  Since we play double headers each week, the  young men would play each other 5 or 6  times this season.  After talking to several of the young men and conferring with our stake people, we are going to experiment by  having each week the young men play one of their  games against another young men's  team  and the other game will be against one of the  MEN'S TEAMS! These mixed   games will not  count in the standings  so if the teams are very very uneven the two teams can split up and play.  The  tournament will have all  the young men's  teams  play in the young men's tournament and men in the men's tournament.

Here is the schedule for week 2, 19 Sept. 2013

                               At  Anoka
                      court 1                       court 2
7:00   MG/Wlk (ym)           Aka/MG (MEN)
7:45   MG(ym)/Aka             MG(men)/Wlk(ym)
8:30   Lnok/Bln1                 SC/Bln2
9:15   LkNok/Bln2              SC/Bln1

                               At  St. Paul
                      court 1                       court 2
7:00     NSP/EC(ym)           NSP/Cedar Lake (men)
7:45     EC(ym)/NSP           NSP(ym)/Cedar Lake
8:30     EC/Med Lk              SV/NB
9:15     Med Lk/SV              EC/NB

Good Luck
(sorry it took so long to get this out, I was sitting ready to type last night and I had an emergency medical run)

       There are two main rule changes
1)   Non-members  need to play at least 3  match's   to qualify for the tournament

2)  It is not legal to touch any part of the net except the top.  Now you cannot touch it to the point that you interfere with a  player on the other side that is a violation and for safety reasons lets enforce that closely.

Good luck let us know if there are other teams interested in playing.   Contact
Gary Campion   612-202-6393
Scott Ross    612-702-8814
Becky Olson   952-212-7456

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

List of teams, additions?

Hi all,
      Here are the teams as we have them now

Young men,
Maple Grove
North St. Paul
Weaver Lake
Elm Creek

Maple Grove
Elm Creek
Shingle Creek
Shore View
Blaine 1
Medicine Lake
Lake Nokomis
Cedar Lake

Are there any more? Additions or subtractions, Singles Ward?  Hmong ward? Plymouth?
Please let us know
