Saturday, January 31, 2015

WEEK 3 SCHEDULE, 2/5/2015

Sorry we have to go week to week but  we are still adding/deleting teams.  We would like to welcome  West St. Paul  to the league,  they are combining with the  YSA  ward and will be WSTP  on the schedule. We need  EC   young men and  NPG  young men to arrange when and where they want to play.

Week 32/5/2015

at Anokaat St. Paulat Minneapolis
7:00xxxNSP/EP (YM)PLY/SC (YM)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

New forfeit rule for men.

In the past  we have  always played that if your  team has  two forfeits in a  season your team if out of the tournament.
     You get forfeits by:
     1)  Not  showing up at all to play the game. You come with as few as one, recruit players from the previous game, or split up with the team you are scheduled to play, and it is an automatic loss, not a forfeit. If you know for sure your ward can't field a team and if you give us at least a days notice, again it is a loss but not a forfeit.
     2)  Not fulfilling a  referee  assignment.
     3)  Forfeiting  for Bad sportsmanship.

The two forfeit rule still apply s  for the young men.
However because if you have a bad day,  everyone is out of town, the player assigned to  ref  has a family or car emergency (things happen)  and you  miss the game and the assignment on the same night.
 you are out! This has been deemed a little harsh.
SO  from  now on for the men  you are out  after  THREE  forfeits. 
So now you  can have a bad  day  and still recover,  Two bad days.... too bad.
g and the committee

Thursday, January 22, 2015


THE MINNESOTA HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE changed the rule thus we are changing our rule.
During free throws, the players in the lane can leave their spots anda go for a rebound after the ball is released from the hand, not off the rim.  The shooter is still restricted to waiting for the ball to hit the rim. We will begin the change immediately.

Sams basketball rules

All rules are Minnesota high school rules except for a few exceptions:

1) Games are two 20 minute halfs  running time, with the clock only stopping for full time outs. In the second half  the last three minutes will be stop clock unless a team leads by 15 points or more, than it will be running clock.

2). Two one minute time outs per half per team that do not carry over for the second half or overtime.
Each one minute time out can be cut into two 30 second time outs, during a 30 second time out the clock KEEPS RUNNING, you do not get a drink or discuss strategy, it was instituted to allow for stoppage of play to substitute.

3). Over time.  We are going back to regular over time rules after experimenting  last year with doing away with a jump ball to start the over time periods.
   During the regular season the first overtime period will be two minutes stop clock, with each team getting one full time out, or two 30 second time outs. (In overtime and the last 3 minutes of a close game the clock DOES STOP).    The period starts,with a jump ball and the alternating possession resets.
    If still tied the second overtime is sudden death, first point wins.
  The period starts with another jump ball, the alternating possession resets.
During the tournament, there will. Not be a sudden death period, the 2 minute periods will continue until there is a winner.

4) You can start a game with as few as 3 players, (you can pick up ineligible players and it is an automatic loss but not a forfeit)

5). Two forfeits for a team and you are out of the tournament, you get forfeits by;
  A) not showing up
   b). Not fulfilling your referee assignments
   C).  Having the game stopped for bad sportsmanship reasons,
            a). Two sportsmanship technicals, or a flagrant technical results in ejection from the game. That player is out for the remainder of the game and THE NEXT GAME,! If this happens to the same player twice in the season he is out for the remainder of the year, including the tournament.
   Three sportsmanship technical fouls by a team and the game is over, that team loses and it counts as one of their two forfeits.
6) High school players 10th - college   A-f squads are not allowed to play in the league, until their highs school team's season is over, than if that player is a Baptized member of the ward he can join the team, if there are more tha. One from that ward, only one high school player on the court at a time.

7) There. must be a majority of members on the court at a time, 2 non members on the court per team at a time, (should there only be 4 players, 2 May be non-members)

8) A non member living in the same household as a member or if the non member is part of a part member family, they are considered members for sports purposes.

9)  Results are final, no "protests". The referees are volunteer, the Re not professionally trained, all we ask is that they do their best, and the referees are always right.

10). We will try to have a stake athletic director at each game to supervise , they can be consulted on the definitions of rules, but the judgement is up to the game referees.  the athletic directors do not have power to overturn referee calls but they do have the authority to call sportsmanship technical fouls, or to eject a player for poor sportsmanship.
    This has never happened but the authority is granted if needed.

Good luck, spread the word about the sports log
Sams LDS  Will be our main form of communication for the schedule and updates.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Free agent players interested in playing

Hi all, it has been suggested that a free agent team be created for players who's wards do not have teams.
      If your ward has a team you must play for the, no matter what, if it does not you may play for any team that has room for you, once you get established on a team you must continue to play for them the rest of the season, Unless there are unusual cercumstance, than talk to the athletic directors.
   For now the YSA singles ward is in need of extra players I suggest free agent players contact them, if they are overwhelmed with players we can split them into two teams.
   The contact for the singles ward is    Kirk Sanders

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Men and Young men's teams, 2015 SAMS basketball

2015  SAMS  LDS  men's basketball  teams

Maple Grove

Shoreview/New B(SV)

Lake Nokomis





Elm Creek


Young Men's teams






Please call Gary Campion 612-202-6393  with additions.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Ohio State/Oregon

For those planning on watching, rumors have it and it is unconfirmed Heisman Trophy winner

Marcus Mariota May be a Mormon   

Confirm if you have inside information. To clarify one way or the other.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

2015 SAMS LDS men's/young men's basketball

Hi again, 
      Hope you  all had a great  Christmas season, We did, just got back from Texas.
   The  basketball coach's/players meeting is next Thursday,  Jan 15, 7:00 at the Anoka stake center,  the games start the following week.
    At the meeting we will discuss rules, how we will run the games, who will officiate, and set up the first week's schedule. 
     The men will play all their  games Thursday nights,  the young men will play most of their  games  Thursday nights with a few games  Saturday mornings, ( The Spanish ward has mutual Thursday nights, and  some wards  travel long distances making Thursday night games difficult)
   So we need to know what teams your ward wants in the leagues and the young men's teams need to let us know if they prefer  Thursday nights,  Saturday Mornings or if they can do both.
   Remember  high school players who are Baptized members of your ward will be allowed to join your team after their season is over.  However only one high school player  from your  team on the court at a time.
  See you next week.
Gary Campion 612-202-6393
Scott Ross 612-702-8814 

2014 SAMS LDS men's volleyball champions, Maple Grove

Congrats  Maple Grove 2014  SAMS  LDS  volleyball champions

    This is an unusual  team, Besides  RJ  who is 6'3  or so, and is a novice volleyball player,  the length of the players  go  6'1",  6'0", 5'9", 5'9", 5'6" 4'10"!  Some have played together for 40 years. (or so).   But very unselfish, great court coverage,  and  a line up that  takes advantage of  the player's  strengths and hides the weaknesses.