All rules are Minnesota high school rules except for a few exceptions:
1) Games are two 20 minute halfs running time, with the clock only stopping for full time outs. In the second half the last three minutes will be stop clock unless a team leads by 15 points or more, than it will be running clock.
2). Two one minute time outs per half per team that do not carry over for the second half or overtime.
Each one minute time out can be cut into two 30 second time outs, during a 30 second time out the clock KEEPS RUNNING, you do not get a drink or discuss strategy, it was instituted to allow for stoppage of play to substitute.
3). Over time. We are going back to regular over time rules after experimenting last year with doing away with a jump ball to start the over time periods.
During the regular season the first overtime period will be two minutes stop clock, with each team getting one full time out, or two 30 second time outs. (In overtime and the last 3 minutes of a close game the clock DOES STOP). The period starts,with a jump ball and the alternating possession resets.
If still tied the second overtime is sudden death, first point wins.
The period starts with another jump ball, the alternating possession resets.
During the tournament, there will. Not be a sudden death period, the 2 minute periods will continue until there is a winner.
4) You can start a game with as few as 3 players, (you can pick up ineligible players and it is an automatic loss but not a forfeit)
5). Two forfeits for a team and you are out of the tournament, you get forfeits by;
A) not showing up
b). Not fulfilling your referee assignments
C). Having the game stopped for bad sportsmanship reasons,
a). Two sportsmanship technicals, or a flagrant technical results in ejection from the game. That player is out for the remainder of the game and THE NEXT GAME,! If this happens to the same player twice in the season he is out for the remainder of the year, including the tournament.
Three sportsmanship technical fouls by a team and the game is over, that team loses and it counts as one of their two forfeits.
6) High school players 10th - college A-f squads are not allowed to play in the league, until their highs school team's season is over, than if that player is a Baptized member of the ward he can join the team, if there are more tha. One from that ward, only one high school player on the court at a time.
7) There. must be a majority of members on the court at a time, 2 non members on the court per team at a time, (should there only be 4 players, 2 May be non-members)
8) A non member living in the same household as a member or if the non member is part of a part member family, they are considered members for sports purposes.
9) Results are final, no "protests". The referees are volunteer, the Re not professionally trained, all we ask is that they do their best, and the referees are always right.
10). We will try to have a stake athletic director at each game to supervise , they can be consulted on the definitions of rules, but the judgement is up to the game referees. the athletic directors do not have power to overturn referee calls but they do have the authority to call sportsmanship technical fouls, or to eject a player for poor sportsmanship.
This has never happened but the authority is granted if needed.
Good luck, spread the word about the sports log
Sams LDS Will be our main form of communication for the schedule and updates.
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