Thursday, January 29, 2015

New forfeit rule for men.

In the past  we have  always played that if your  team has  two forfeits in a  season your team if out of the tournament.
     You get forfeits by:
     1)  Not  showing up at all to play the game. You come with as few as one, recruit players from the previous game, or split up with the team you are scheduled to play, and it is an automatic loss, not a forfeit. If you know for sure your ward can't field a team and if you give us at least a days notice, again it is a loss but not a forfeit.
     2)  Not fulfilling a  referee  assignment.
     3)  Forfeiting  for Bad sportsmanship.

The two forfeit rule still apply s  for the young men.
However because if you have a bad day,  everyone is out of town, the player assigned to  ref  has a family or car emergency (things happen)  and you  miss the game and the assignment on the same night.
 you are out! This has been deemed a little harsh.
SO  from  now on for the men  you are out  after  THREE  forfeits. 
So now you  can have a bad  day  and still recover,  Two bad days.... too bad.
g and the committee

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