Thursday, January 8, 2015

2015 SAMS LDS men's/young men's basketball

Hi again, 
      Hope you  all had a great  Christmas season, We did, just got back from Texas.
   The  basketball coach's/players meeting is next Thursday,  Jan 15, 7:00 at the Anoka stake center,  the games start the following week.
    At the meeting we will discuss rules, how we will run the games, who will officiate, and set up the first week's schedule. 
     The men will play all their  games Thursday nights,  the young men will play most of their  games  Thursday nights with a few games  Saturday mornings, ( The Spanish ward has mutual Thursday nights, and  some wards  travel long distances making Thursday night games difficult)
   So we need to know what teams your ward wants in the leagues and the young men's teams need to let us know if they prefer  Thursday nights,  Saturday Mornings or if they can do both.
   Remember  high school players who are Baptized members of your ward will be allowed to join your team after their season is over.  However only one high school player  from your  team on the court at a time.
  See you next week.
Gary Campion 612-202-6393
Scott Ross 612-702-8814 

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