Saturday, January 9, 2016

2015-16 high school basketball rule changes

     I am sure like many of you (haha) I recently got a shiny new 2015-16 high school basketball rule book. (We play by high school rules) and haven't ben able to put it down. (Again haha)
    The only new rule change is pretty minor, a player is considered a ball handler/dribbler as soon as he/she receives it. Meaning the post player getting the ball gets the same protection as a player dribbling with the ball.

"Rule 10-6-12. The following acts constitute a foul when committed against a ballhandler/dribbler. A player becomes a ball handler/ dribbler when he/she receives the ball. This would include a player in th post position
a) Placing  two hands on a player
b) Placing an extended arm bar on a player
c) Placing and keeping a hand on a player
d) Contacting a player more than once with the same hand or alternating hands

(My opinion: the question each referee should keep in mind when deciding if contact was a foul or incidental is "was there an illegal advantage gained?")

There is a section that compares rule differences between high school and college ball. Most are pretty trivial but two are interesting.

1). In the act of shooting, I have wondered why while watching college basketball a shooter jumps takes a shot and before he comes down is hit or blocked, often to the point the shooter falls down, as in the gophers game the other day, but a foul was not called.
   Well in high school a shot begins with the habitual motion that leads to a shot and ends with the ball being released AND INCLUDES THE AIRBORN SHOOTER.  ( the act of shooting for an AIRBORN shooter in high school ends when he comes back to the floor) in college the shot ends when the ball is released and does NOT include the AIRBORN  shooter.
 I do not have an NBA rule book but appearently it is legal to run into a player after the ball is released unless the shooter is considered a star player and is not a member of Timberwolves..

  The other rule difference is when a player is passing the ball in from out of bounds, a defender cannot break the plane of the inside edge of the out of bounds line until the ball has crossed the line,  in college, the defender cannot reach through the plane over the line until THE BALL IS RELEASED.

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