Tuesday, March 31, 2015

YM tournament rules

The Mormon madness begins!
    Just a reminder of the eligibility rules for the young men.
1)  Baptized members who were 17  years old as of Aug 31st  2014, or are still in high school are eligible to play in the tournament even if they have not played during the regular  season.  Assuming permission by the Bishop and an agreement that the player will comply with the rules of good sportsmanship.

 2)  Baptized member  who's ward does not have a team is  eligible to play on any team that has  room for them.  However these  "free  agent"  members  must have played at least one  game during the regular season.

3)  Non-members who are living in the same household as a member is considered a "member"  for sports purposes.

4)  Non- members,  who did  not play high school ball this year ,(10th-12th grades, A-F squads)   must have played at least one regular season game to be eligible  for the tournament.

5)  High school players, who's season is done, who are Baptized members of their  home ward may play in the tournament,  However if must be for their own  ward.  Should a ward have more than one high school player, only one is allowed on the court at a  time.

6)  No more than 2  non-members on the court at a time.

7)  Before each  tournament game we should go over these rules and  point out to the  teams and referee's who are non-members, and who has played High school ball.

8)  We  really want these rules to be self  policed.  We  really really really want to avoid  the situation where we play a game, the game is over, and than  someone points out that a player  from the winning team is ineligible.  It is totally unfair to the non-members and  reflects poorly on the church.

9)  Good luck and lets have a great tournament!

10)   ONE LAST RULE CHANGE,  should the game to to the second, sudden death  period, if  free throws are rewarded, the player will only shoot ONE  FREE THROW  for the win.

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