Thursday, February 26, 2015

Results for week 6

at Anoka
MGA(ym) 58/plymouth (ym) 42
MGB(ym)69/shore view (ym) 38
MG 96/Shore View 52
Lake Nokomis 66/ Shingle Creek Princeton 60

At St. Paul
Elm Creek (ym) 57/ NSP(ym) 41
SC (ym) automatic win
Elm Creek 52/ NSP 50
Bloomington  beat Crystal
Blaine 62/ WSt.P 41

At Minneapolis
Medicine Lake (ym) 59/Andover 47 (ym)
Eden Prairie (ym) 51/ New Prague (ym) 14
TC 1 over Medicine  Lake
St. Paul over Eden Prairie.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Whistle Rap

Whistle Rap
  1)   When play is stopped for a foul, or violation (traveling, double dribble  etc)  or a time out,  WHERE TO  YOU THROW THE BALL IN FROM?????
       I know most of the time it doesn't matter,  but at times especially near the end of the half or game it can be critical.
     You always put the ball in play from the end or side line closest to where the ball was  when the stoppage occurred.   By definition if  the player with the ball is in the lane when the stoppage occurred  than it is passed in  from the end line behind the basket (to the side of the basket).

2)    During free throws,  the players in the lane can go for the rebound as soon as the ball leaves the shooters hand, however the shooter, AND THOSE OUTSIDE THE 3 POINT CIRCLE must   wait until the ball hits the rim before they can come into the lane.

3)   HIGH SCHOOL PLAYERS,  We are experimenting with allowing high school players, 10th, 11th and 12th graders   A-F  squad.  to play with the  young men or men's  teams  but only after their  high school varsity teams season is over.  This is only for Baptized members of your ward, and if there are more than one. Only one on the court at a time.  So if a player was on the Sophomore  or Jr. varsity team and their schedule is complete they are still  ineligible until the varsity's post season tournament is completed.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Results from Week 5

            Results from Week 5
The Crystal Young Men's team has been dropped.
From the St. Paul building
Shingle Creek (ym) 50 /ShoreView (ym) 26
Andover (ym) 41/ North St. Paul 36
Shingle Creek 53/ TC1 44
Bloomington 77/ West St. Paul 51
(Looking for results from Shore View/ St. Paul men)

From Anoka
MGA beat Crystal (ym) (Crystal a no show)
MGB 60/ Elm Creek (ym) 50
Blaine beat Elm Creek
Maple Grove 59/ North St. Paul 48

From the Minneapolis building
Eden Prairie (ym) 59/ Plymouth (ym) 23
Medicine Lake (ym) 59/ New Prague 53
Lake Nokomis beat Medicine Lake
Crystal 59/ Eden Prairie 34

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Oh my, I was Officiating the women,s volleyball championship match's last Saturday, 6 time  defending champion YSA vs. Medicine Lake.
     YSA won the first set, now here is the controversy   Between sets one of the spectators,for Medicine Lake brought the ball into the rest room,  than Medicine Lake won Three straight sets!
Just for kicks I just checked the air pressure of the ball and to my astonishment someone deflated the ball!!!
 There will be an investigation, fines and suspensions!
g. :-)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

2015 SAMS LDS women's volleyball champions Medicine Lake

Congrats  to the SAMS LDS  2015 Women's  Volleyball champions
                                      MEDICINE LAKE

       The Singles ward  was  going for the unprecedented 7th  straight championship.  They were undefeated going into the finals with Medicine Lake who had come up the losers bracket.
    The Singles ward won the first game, than Medicine Lake won the next two, sending it  to the one final game winner takes all.  After a close start Marsie Peniata  rattled off about 10 straight serves. to put the match away. It was close and fun and sisters and former high school teammates teasing each other from the two teams.  Congrats to all,   now on to Basketball!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Results from week 4

at  the Anoka building
Maple Grove A (ym)  58/ Andover (ym) 55
Maple Grove B (ym) 33/ Shingle Creek (ym) 44
Maple Grove 49 /Shingle Creek Princeton 35
TC1 (Spanish) 80/ Bloomington 47

At  the  St. Paul Building
EC (ym) 56/ Shoreview (ym)46
NSP (ym)  EP (ym) both no shows (EP was scheduled for a bye accidently so no game)
Blaine 56/  Shore View 45
St Paul beat  EP
NSP 67/ West St. Paul 51

At  Minneapolis stake  center
Crystal beat Medicine Lake (men)
Lake Nokomis beat Elm Creek (men)
No results yet for young men's game Cry/MLK (YM)
(if anyone knows let me know 612-202-6393 Gary)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Whistle Rap

   Thanks  so much for those of you who volunteer  to  referee.  Our  program will quickly crumble without  hustling volunteers.  We  do not expect you to know all the rules  just make your best  judgement. 
    We will use this  post to occasionally  clarify  some rules that are often misunderstood.

1)  OVER AND BACK.    To be over and back, a  team needs to have control in the front court, when dribbling over the  half court line and to be precise,  the inner  plain of the line closest to the basket in your front court,  Now both feet and the ball have to be over in the front court,  so if you are dribbling and  the ball is in the back court and your feet are in the front court, it is still not "over" thus you can step  back over the line and not be  "over and back"   but once the ball and both feet are in the front court,  any part of your body or ball touching the line or back court is OVER AND BACK.
 If  a  foot or  ball is in the front court than comes back, 90 percent of the people in the gym  will think it is over and back and if you   call it that way,  hardly no one will complain. and we will support that decision,  however  those 90 percent will be wrong.  Now another way this comes into play is when you are passing the ball in from the base or side line, and  you are in the front court, when you pass the ball there is no  individual control.  so you  can pass the ball into the back court from  your  spot  behind the end or sideline as you pass the ball in.    That pass can be tipped  by  a  team in the front court, you can chase the ball into the back court and it is not an over and back violation.  You must have control in the front court before it can be OVER AND BACK.
(hope that doesn't make it more confusing.)

2) If you are dribbling along the sideline or base line, and you touch the ball while in bounds than you release the ball and step out of bounds,   if you can reenter the court with both feet, than you can continue  dribbling the ball or grab it. It is not a    line violation, Now if your dribble has ended  it could be double dribble, but not out of bounds.

3)  Rebounding your own shot,  This one is missed a lot.  When the ball leaves your hand on a shot, there is no control, and anyone can  rebound it,  EVEN IF IT IS AN AIRBALL  the shooter can grab the rebound.  Now it is the judgement of the referee  to determine if it is a shot, a pass  or a fumble, in the  case of a fumble or pass the  passer/shooter  cannot  be the first to touch it.

minor complaint

I know this doesn't apply to most of you but I AM REALLY GETTING TIRED OF ALL THE COMPLAINING ABOUT REFEREEING!!!!
    When you play at 8:00 you have to send one person from each   team to referee  two young men's games,  I know it can be inconvenient, but consider it a way of supporting the young men's program. Consider it an entry fee.
When I schedule my highest priority is I want someone there at 6:00 who should have keys  to the building, or who lives knows people from their ward who lives close enough to get keys there fast.
 That means if your home ward building is one of the stake centers  you will play at 8:00 a lot.
    Plus we only have 14   men's teams (same as last year)  when all three buildings  are used  we will have only two men's games at 2  buildings, and  one building with 3 men's  games. Thus  mathematically half your  games will be at 8:00. So get used to refereeing at 6 and 7,  support the young men,  it doesn't have to be the same guy  every week. And all you guys who come up to me and ask, Is there anything I can do?   Thanks so much!

Results week 3 2/5/15

Results from Crystal Week 3. 2/5/15
Minnetonka (YM) did not show up..MGB  wins by forfeit
Shingle Creek (ym) 45 Plymouth (ym) 26
Crystal 70  SHingle Creek/Princeton 41
Bloomington beats Eden Prairie, (automatic loss)
Crystal 59 Lake Nokomis 53
Maple Grove 57, Bloomington 38

Results from the St. Paul Stake center,  Week 3, 2/5/15
Andover 63  SV 45 (ym)
Eden Prairie 61 Medicine Lake  53 (ym)
NSP  beat  Blaine
TC1 beat  SV
West St. Paul/Single beat  St. Paul

Results from Lakeville  stake center, Week 3, 2/5/15
Elm Creek 34 New Prague (ym) 29  in overtime.

Monday, February 2, 2015

New Teams

OK we  are narrowing down  which ward has which teams,    Since last week:
Medicine Lake and Weaver Lake young men have combined (Mlk)
Crystal has a Young men's team
Minnetonka  does have a Young men's team
West St. Paul and Young Singles have combined in the men's league, (WSP)
Plymouth men have dropped out.
depending on the outcome this Thursday we should have the entire schedule  by this weekend.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Say it ain't so....

Please tell me Bro Bevell didn't call that pick play.......

Mormons in th Super Bowl (part 2)

offensive Coordinator  for the Sea  Hawks:

Darrell Bevell

Nice call right before half time, beats kicking a field goal, right Packer fans? :-)

Mormons in the super bowl

Google tells me that playing for the Patriots are
1) #65 O.G. Jordan Devey
2) #96  D.T.  Sealver Siliga

Sea Hawks:
1) # 46 F.B. Will Tukuafu
2) # 88 T.E. Tony Moeaki

Not official or complete, additions and corrections appreciated