Saturday, December 6, 2014

2014 SAMS LDS men's Volleyball tournament (continued)

Here is the remaining schedule for the tournament, rewritten to be easier to follow.
NOTE  NSP/Blaine 1   play at 6:30, all games at the Anoka stake center.

There have been some disputes about rules, here are some clearificatioins:
  1)   When the ball is approaching the top of the net, players from the recieving team may not touch the ball unless:
    a)  Part of the ball has crossed the plain  of the net extended.
    b)  The attacking team has used all 3  hits.
    c)   The attacking team is attempting to hit the ball over the net.

2)  On a  serve,  the receiving team may not  return the ball unless it has dropped below the plain of the  top of the net.

3)   Except for the server, all players must be totally in bounds when the ball is served.

Good luck!

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