Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tri-Stake Golf tournament, Aug. 23, 3:00

     Hi all, hope you are having a nice spring/summer.
It is official we booked Theore Wirth Golf course for the Tri-stake golf tournament.
Aug. 23, 2014, 3:00, afternoon discount rates.

$19.00 to walk, $34 with a half cart.

We want to find out and will have valuable prizes for:
Who is the best.
Who is the worse. (Highly coveted)
Who can lose the most golf balls.

The committee decided to change locations to something more centerly located.
If you have never played Wirth, it is an old school, fun challenging course, in a wooded location with a spectacular view of  downtown Minneapolis.
 You play over water, trees, up and down hills, and in my opinion the 18th hole par 3, 130 yard putting green is one of the toughest  I have ever played.

Spread the word, they do want a head count so email me at
Or text Gary Campion at 612-202-6393

More to come

1301 Theodore Wirth Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN

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