Friday, April 18, 2014

Week 14 tournament updates

    Whew,  with spring breaks and  Snow in the past... for now....    the  tournaments  continued.
  In the young men's tournament  there were some terrific  games  the most exciting  had  last years  champions, Andover,  playing  Plymouth.
    Plymouth featured Chandler  who played for Orono and was a terrific floor general and hit 11 3-pointers  for the night.  They also had 6'5" Brandon Lingen, a  tight end  who played high school football for  Wayzata and will play for the Gophers next year.
    Plymouth jumped  out to an early lead.  Chandler had 19 points in the first half.  Andover changed  defenses at the half and  came out with a box and one.  That held Chandler to 9 points in the second half.
The  game was tied with 5 seconds  to go.  Andover had to go the length of the court.  The in-bounds pass went to half court, than a pass to the top of the key, than a quick pass to the wing.  the shot went up,  the buzzer went  off,   the shot was nothing but net.  bedlam!
   In  the other final 4  game,   Top ranked  Minnetonka  beat  Elm Creek by 3.
  Andover  will try to defend it's title  vs  Minnetonka.   They have played  twice this year with each team winning once.
    The game will be next Thursday 24 Apr.  at 7:30  at  the  Crystal building.

   For the men:
  We had several  close games  with Maple Grove b  beating Shore Veiw 35-34,  and Medicine Lake beating  Bloomington 64-62.
     Thanks  for everyone's  help officiating and the great sportsmanship demonstrated,  good luck to the remaining teams and  everyone else have a nice Summer.
    Put on your  Calanders:
     Mid Summer  Tri-stake golf tournament  tentatively set for Aug 16.  More details to come.
Volleyball coach's  meeting  Thursday Sept 11  at the Anoka Stake Center  7:00.
Happy Easter.

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