| Week 6 | 3/1/2018 | |
| at Anoka | at St. Paul | at Minneapolis |
6:30 | XXX | Nik v SC (YM) | MG v Cha (YM) |
7:30 | XXX | WSP v Wac (YM) | AA v Cha |
8:30 | XXX | SC v NB | MG v EP |
9:30 | XXX | TC1 v NSP | Blaine v Ply |
Men BYE | WSP, Nik, SP |
YM BYE | AA, SV, Ply |
- Standings have been posted on the Standings page.
- The schedule through week 6 is posted on the Schedule page.
- YM teams without coaches or active adult involvement appear to have trouble fielding 5 players. Adults, please assist the YM from your ward with the logistics in fielding a team and making the games happen.
| Week 5 | 2/22/2018 | |
| at Anoka | at St. Paul | at Minneapolis |
6:30 | | | SV v Cha (YM) |
7:30 | SC v Ply (YM) | W.SP v AA (YM) | Wac v Nik (YM) |
8:30 | SC v Blaine | W.SP v AA | EP v TC1 |
9:30 | MG v NSP | SP v Ply | Nik v Cha |
Men BYE | NB |
Week 4 Schedule
| Week 4 | 2/15/2018 | |
| at Anoka | at St. Paul | at Minneapolis |
6:30 | | SV vs Ply (YM) | MG vs Nok (YM) |
7:30 | | W.SP vs SC (YM) | Cha vs Wac(YM) |
8:30 | MG vs Plymouth | Blaine vs W.SP | TC1 vs Nikomis |
9:30 | AA vs NB | SP vs N.SP | SC vs EP |
Men BYE | CHA |
YM BYE | AA (YM) |
- The "Chakonia" YM team is splitting into 2 teams, Waconia (YM) and Chaska (YM)
- Twin Cities 1st Ward (Spanish) is joining the league.
- I'm hoping to have the final schedule out in one or two weeks as things stabilize.
- I am aiming to have the playoffs finish by the end of April.
- I am trying to minimize the travel required. Teams are spread out over vary large areas. This is an interesting problem with complexity that is increasing as the season progresses.
| Week 3 | 2/8/2018 | |
| at Anoka | at St. Paul | at Minneapolis |
6:30 | SC vs MG (YM) | | |
7:30 | SV vs AA (YM) | W.SP vs Nok (YM) | Ply vs Chakonia (YM) |
8:30 | MG vs AA | W.SP vs SP | Blaine vs Chakonia |
9:30 | SC vs Nok | N.SP vs NB | Ply vs EP/Blm |
Men BYE | |
YM BYE | |