Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What to do if you know your team can't make it?

Hi all, If you know your team can't make it for some reason, use the contact list and tell the contact from the team you are playing, and if it is the 6:00 game call the men's teams that play at 8:00, so the refs don't need to come early, and the other team has a chance to schedule another team perhaps a team playing at 7:00 to play a double header, or a bye team, or they may choose to take the night off, if you do this it will be counted as a loss but not a forfeit. Even if only a couple guys can make it still come and you can split with the other team and play, again it will be a loss but not a forfeit. Thanks

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Remaining revised schedule

Sorry if this is compressed, it was in nice neat columns when I saved it. Oh well each week we will post an easy to read schdule.

Week 6 28-Feb
at Anoka at St. Paul at Minneapolis
6:00 Bln/SC (ym) Aka/NSP (ym) Wlk/Tonka (ym)
7:00 And/MG (ym) EC/SV (ym) Ply/Mlk (ym)
8:00 SC/Bln NSP/YSAb TC1/Wlk
9:00 Bloom/Prince SV/StP EP/Mlk
10:00 EC/MG YSA/Aka Lnok/Ply

Week 7 7 March 2013
at Anoka at St. Paul at Minneapolis
6:00 xxx SV/SC (ym) Mlk/EC (ym)
7:00 xxx NSP/MG (ym) Aka/Tonka (ym)
8:00 xxx Prince/Wlk EC/SC
9:00 xxx Mlk/Bloom Lnok/MG
10:00 xxx Ply/TC1 EP/Aka
Men BYE Bln, NSP, StP, SV, YSA, YSAb
YM BYE And, Bln, Ply, Wlk

Week 8 14-Mar 2013
at Anoka at St. Paul at Minneapolis
6:00 MG/WLK (ym) SV/Aka (ym) Tonka/SC (ym)
7:00 And/Bln (ym) Mlk/NSP (ym) EC/Ply (ym)
8:00 MG/Bln NSP/Aka EC/Bloom
9:00 Wlk/SC Mlk/StP EP/TC1
10:00 YSA/Ply SV/YSAb Lnok/Prince

Week 9 21-Mar. 2013
at Anoka at St. Paul at Minneapolis
6:00 xxx SV/Wlk (ym) EC/Aka (ym)
7:00 xxx Bln/Ply (ym) Tonka/NSP (ym)
8:00 xxx SV/Aka Lnok/Bloom
9:00 xxx StP/Bln TC1/YSA
10:00 xxx Wlk/NSP EC/EP
Men byes MG, SC, Ply, Mlk, YSAb, Prince
YM BYE And (ym), SC (ym), Mg (ym), Mlk (ym)

Week 10 28-Mar. 2013
at Anoka at St. Paul at Minneapolis
6:00 YM Tournament
7:00 YM Tournament
8:00 EC/StP Bln/TC1 Wlk/Lnok
9:00 Aka/Ply NSP/Prince EP/MG
10:00 SC/YSA SV/Bloom YSAb/Mlk

Week 11 4-Apr
at Anoka at St. Paul at Minneapolis
6:00 xxx YM Tournament
7:00 xxx YM Tournament
8:00 xxx NSP/TC1 Lnok/EC
9:00 xxx YSA/Bln SV/EP
10:00 xxx Mlk/StP YSAb/Ply
Men BYE Aka, Bloom, MG, Prince, SC, Wlk
YM BYE Aka, EC, MG, Tonka

Week 12 11-Apr. 2013
at Anoka at St. Paul at Minneapolis
6:00 YM Tournament
7:00 YM Tournament
8:00 MG/Mlk NSP/YSA Bloom/Ply
9:00 StP/Aka Wlk/SV Lnok/SC
10:00 EC/YSAb Prince/TC1 EP/Bln

Week 13 18-Apr. 2013
at Anoka at St. Paul at Minneapolis
6:00 xxx xxx xxx
7:00 MG/YSA NSP/SC xxx
8:00 Aka/YSAb Bln/Wlk xxx
9:00 Prince/EC SV/Mlk xxx
10:00 xxx Mlk/StP xxx
Men BYE Bloom, EP, Lnok, Ply, TC1

Week 14 25-Apr. 2013
at Anoka at St. Paul at Minneapolis
6:00 xxx xxx xxx
7:00 EC/Bln NSP/SV Lnok/Mlk
8:00 SC/Aka StP/YSA Bloom/Ply
9:00 MG/Prince TC1/YSAb EP/Wlk
10:00 xxx xxx xxx

Men's tournament Thursdays May 2, 2013, May 9, 2013, and Possibly May 16, 2013

Have a great season

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Did you know???

Some say we never talk anything but sports, well here we go something other than sports, Soccer... I know I know just kidding put down the pitch forks, Soccer is a sport (in other country's) Just kidding, it is a sport just like hop scotch, dodge ball, and four square. (just kidding again of course) but did you see in the church news, I found this amazing. Anson Dorrance, coach's the North Carolina Tar Heals Women's college soccer team. Has been coaching for 34 seasons. Anson is a convert and the Chapel Hill first ward's High Priest group leader. In his 34 seasons they have won the national championship 22 times!!!!! including last year. Last year the Tar Heals eliminated top ranked BYU in the quarterfinals in double over time 2-1, before beating Stanford and Penn state in the championship match 4-1. Just thought you'd like to know.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Whistle Rap

A rule question came up, remember in a game the referee is always right, he uses his best judgement and knowledge of the rules, We can't expect our volunteer referee's to memorize the rule book. What makes it hard is that the NBA, College, and high school rules are different. Basically the same but tweaked to meet each level of competition. And I bet we watch more NBA games than high school. Remember we use high school rules. If a Referee in your game misapplies a rule just go with it, next time it might favor you. But we will always try to clarify rules to upgrade everyone's refereeing abilities.
The rule in question is a good one, if there is a time out under one's basket say after a made basket. and a time out is called, do you advance the ball to the hash mark? (do we even have hash marks?) if we were playing in the NBA yes but high school no, the general rule is, for any stoppage of play, non-shooting fouls, violations, time outs, technical fouls. You always throw the ball in from the sideline/baseline nearest the spot where the event occurred, however by definition if the ball is in the lane, the throw in is from the baseline on the side of the basket.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stake athletic directors

Stake contacts
Anoka stake:
Men: Gary Campion 612-202-6393
Women's Anita Rodebak 763-323-2945

St. Paul Stake:
Men; Scott Ross 612-702-8814

Minneapolis stake:
Men Lars Peterson 952-451-2322
women Becky Olson 952-212-7456